[a cutie correspondence between Mr. & Mrs. Brian K. Hill and their FABULOUS downline]
Showing posts with label .promotions. Show all posts
Showing posts with label .promotions. Show all posts
Alright, so a couple of days ago I mentioned my FALL INTO FABULOUS event that I am attempting. I haven't had HUGE luck with these in the past, so I'm not promising it will turn out fabulously. Vickie has been successful with similar events before and since I am currently unable to do home shows and because we now have the fabulous new online catalog, I'm going to try it again! Here's the rundown of what I'm doing. I WELCOME suggestions and ideas!!
The Goals
- To have as many catalog shows open in October as possible.
- To promote our newest tool, the Online Catalog. Of course, I don't want sales via the online catalog to harm or replace my home show business, but it's a great tool for this particular event and this particular (ginormously pregnant) time in my life!
- To have a way to keep in touch with my hostesses and customers as I take a couple of months out of the home show world.
- To continue earning income as I take a "maternity leave" from the home show business! This is mostly a small side perk as I am awarding quite a bit of money, I don't expect a huge income. But this will help to earn my CV for my commission check.
The Details
The girls have until October 17 (one week before the end of the accounting period) to collect as many orders as they can. I give myself a week because in my Catalog Show experience, the girls are NEVER ready on the intended end date. This way I have a few days wiggle room and can still have the shows in before the end of the accounting period.
I award each girl $25 in free jewelry just for participating and then they get the catalog show hostess benefits. The girl with the most sales earns $50 in jewelry instead of the $25.
The Plan
1. Advertise:
I posted a blurb about the event on my webpage.
I sent a text to every girl in my phone book who I thought may possibly be interested.
I sent an evite to every girl whose email address I had or two any girl who has told me they are interested in participating. This helps me track the official YES RSVPs.
Now all of these are techy impersonal! I like to do these first so that they have the information in front of them. The next step is to CALL CALL CALL! Follow up with your girls so that they know you're interested in THEM PERSONALLY.
I also had a flyer at my booth yesterday. My sweet husband designed this for me. I was able to talk about the event in person, collect names, and then send the evite and rest of the details via email.
2. Send Details
After I have my RSVPs, I send out an email with all of the details. Click here to see the details I sent. Then I will call to follow up with girls and make sure they don't have any questions and have some guidance for a great catalog show.
3. Keep in Touch!
Over the next few weeks, I'll keep in touch with the girls, offering encouragement and answering any questions they may have.
And I think that's it! :) Let me know if you have any suggestions or ideas to make this event more successful. It's been fun to plan, but what's the point if I don't have participants! :)
Fall Into Savings Promo Starts Today!!!
If you haven't already, definitely check out the new Fall into Savings Promotion that Premier is offering. This is a great way for customers to get the most bang for their buck! I am personally not doing home shows this month. (Until this baby is born and settled, I will be focusing on catalog shows, customer Service, getting the new house organized, building contacts in my new town, and making plans and goals for the new year.) However, I still wanted to send out some quick tips and ideas for using the awesome tools Premier has been providing. Here are a list of the available tools, links to each, and ideas for using them!
Details Flyer:
- For your personal use
- Use to train new jewelers
Hostess Flyer:
- Put in hostess packets
- Put in customer home show folders. Consider putting in a sheet protecter.
- Put in an 8x10 frame & display at home shows or booths (I have a booth at a bank tomorrow where I'll be putting a FALL INTO FABULOUS flyer up)
Hostess Postcards:
- Send to hostesses who are already scheduled for this month
- Send to hostesses who have cancelled or recently expressed interest in doing a show
- Send to hostesses who have a show booked for November or December to see if they'd like to move their show up.
- Attach to customer receipts at checkout
- Include in thank you, reminder, or greeting cards
- Snapshot & post to your social media sites (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc)
- Snapshot & embed in your emails
- For your personal use
- Print a copy and take to shows for answering questions & closing shows
- Use to help downline & new jewelers
- For your personal use.
- Use to get excited (she's enthusiastic) for training & verbiage, & ideas
- Make sure to watch! She has LOTS of great ideas and tips!
- Have hostess hand out coupons as she is collecting pre-orders
- Have hostess email or post to Facebook
- Send in invitations
- Attach to catalogs
- Use to remind customers of special at checkout
Customer Flier:
- Put in customer home show folders. Consider putting in a sheet protecter on the back side of the hostess flyer.
- Put in an 8x10 frame & display at home shows or booths
Customer Invitations:
- Send invitations for your hostess
- Email PDF for your hostess to print and share or post to Facebook
Under $50 List by Page #:
- Include in Hostess Packet
- Include in Customer Home Show Folder
- Laminate or Put in Page Protecter & keep at checkout
- Send a link to PDF in an email about the special.
- Include a link on your new personal webpage
- Advertise the new online catalog and special together
Under $50 List by Price:
- Include in Hostess Packet
- Include in Customer Home Show Folder
- Laminate or Put in Page Protecter & keep at checkout. Help the customer decide which items to get for FREE to get her the best price.
- Send a link to PDF in an email about the special.
- Include a link on your new personal webpage
- Advertise the new online catalog and special together
Now is the time for OPs!
Hey girls! If you've been thinking that you need to SPONSOR MORE, now is the time! It's so great to have an opportunity to tell friends that there is a special promotion going on! Go back through all of your surveys, and think through all of your friends, and call them up to host an OP! This is so easy. Get together at your favorite coffee shop or ice cream place, or even in your living room. Offer a special thank you for coming: a charm bracelet, or shopping half price (1-2 items limit is suggested). Tell them to bring a friend and give them a gift for that too! To take the pressure off, tell your friends you're looking for referrals - so even if they're not interested, you'd love for them to come hear about what you do - because we ALL know somebody that could use some extra cash. Maybe they can help you spread the word! Or tell them you're in a contest or you've set a goal or that you're just practicing! :) I would love to help you learn how to do an OP if you're not sure. There are apps and brochures and websites and so much more! And NOW, there's a great promotion! Go get em!
Gift for US!
In case you haven't checked out the newest awesome gift for us jewelers, make sure you hit the website and see the details! You can have a PERSONAL home show on Premier's anniversary weekend, and keep all the free jewelry for yourself! This is a great time to get some shows for the month of November!
Here's my game plan: I'm going to work the catalogs, especially the new Christmas line, and advertise the purchase with purchase. This is a great opportunity for our ladies to knock out some Christmas shopping. Now is a perfect time to drop off some catalogs with your favorite customers and encourage them to do a show in November! Remember to check out the Christmas Shipping Schedule to make sure your orders arrive in time for Christmas!
I hope for lots of presales, because ladies are most likely to purchase then... but I also plan to host a show & invite everyone I know! Use evite or punchbowl to save some time, and then make sure you make those follow up calls! I'm going to do a "Drop & Shop" instead of an actual show, but make sure you create a special routine or survey for sharing the hostess plan & asking for a show. I like putting out picture frames that say, "No tax today if you ask me about our hostess plan!" or something like that! :) Then you just go from there.
Good luck girls! Let me know if you have questions! :)
Coupons for Coworkers
Here's an idea. I wanted to remind my fellow teachers that I am their jewelery lady, and give them an excuse to come see the new line. So I passed out mini-catalogs with these coupons.
Here's the front:
And the back.
Here's the front:
And the back.
Hostess Appreciation Dinner
Here's an idea you might like in the future. Next month, our local training is pulling together to organize a hostess appreciation dinner. I've heard these trained on before, and have always liked the idea, but have never done one. Some jewelers do them by themselves - host a brunch or dinner at their house or a local restaurant.
Our local Mexican restaurant (which happens to be owned by Diana's family!) is allowing us to have a banquet for only $8 per person. Our entire training is hosting together, so it will be a large group/party atmosphere. We are presenting each guest with the new catalog and a gift: a jewelry cleaning kit. Plus they will also get to order an item for 50% off from the new catalog.
Here are my invites. I found the paper & matching envelopes at Hobby Lobby, but I've also seen similar stuff at the Dollar Tree or Walmart.
I'm working on a assembling my gift cutely. When I'm done, I'll be sure to post a pic. If you are looking for cute gift ideas, the cleaning kit includes a cleaning cloth, toothbrush, piece of chalk, and a recipe for cleaning their jewelry.
We're Going to Disney!!!
The details for the disney trip are officially up! Make sure you go read them!! I am SO excited about this trip. In order to attend, you must be a DESIGNER with a minimum CV of 10,000 during the qualification period (now through March 29). Remember CV is wholesale - the amount you turn into Premier, so even your hostess half price items count toward that amount. Your new jewelers you sign also count toward your CV! You earn 450 CV if they buy the silver package and 750 CV if they buy the gold package! So if you don't have ANY jewelers, and you sign the 7 you need to qualify for the trip, you're almost guaranteed to have at LEAST 3,000 CV (if they only buy silver) or 5,000 CV if they mostly buy gold! So. Set your goals, break them down by month, and you'll know what you need to do every month through March!
If you have your 7 jewelers and 10,000 CV, you qualify for Buy On. Which means you pay 1,200 for you and your spouse to go. Children under 3 are FREE an children/guests over 3 are only $100! After 10,000 CV, you start lowering the cost of your trip. The tracking sheet is a great way to print and track your progress! When you get to 20,000 CV, your trip (for you and your spouse/guest) is COMPLETELY FREE! :) And after that, you start earning SPENDING CASH!! You can do it! :)
July Promotion
Hey girls!
Prepare yourselves! Fall is our BUSIEST season!! Everyone wants to prep for Christmas, plus it's super exciting that the new line is out! NOW is the time to get the ball rolling. Use this July special postcards to get in touch with ALL of your prospective hostesses. DON'T BE SHY. Remember, if they've said no before, usually that means "not right now." Premier provides great post cards, so KEEP IT SIMPLE. Don't spend hours creating your own. Print these on card stock, write a personal note on the back, and plop them in the mail! Make sure you get postcard stamps, they're cheaper than regular postage. Send one to EVERYONE. Think of people who:
Prepare yourselves! Fall is our BUSIEST season!! Everyone wants to prep for Christmas, plus it's super exciting that the new line is out! NOW is the time to get the ball rolling. Use this July special postcards to get in touch with ALL of your prospective hostesses. DON'T BE SHY. Remember, if they've said no before, usually that means "not right now." Premier provides great post cards, so KEEP IT SIMPLE. Don't spend hours creating your own. Print these on card stock, write a personal note on the back, and plop them in the mail! Make sure you get postcard stamps, they're cheaper than regular postage. Send one to EVERYONE. Think of people who:
have said "maybe later"
have cancelled their show
have been excited about the new line
hosted a show more than 4-6 months ago
still have never been to a show
have complimented your jewelry recently
have told you they need more money
have mentioned shopping for Christmas
like to shop
need some girl time
like free stuff
You DO know somebody on this list!! To get your fall booked, you're going to need to start somewhere. YOU CAN DO IT! :) Call me if you need ideas.
At several trainings I've been to, I've heard the quote, "If it's to be, It's up to me." I like that because I need to hear it. Premier is a business that works only when you work it. If you want more income, YOU are responsible for generating it. If you want a raise, YOU are responsible for giving & getting it. There is nobody to tell you when or where or how often to work. The fact that we make our own schedules, and decide our own vacation time, is totally awesome. But with great privilege comes great responsibility. [You like my cliche quotes?].
In Premier, there are a million methods to setting your goals. I've seen cute goal boards, people with goal folders and notebooks, there are breakdowns in the new Premier calendar/agenda, a MILLION worksheets & organizers, and more. I personally recommend deciding & writing what you want for your business ($500/month to pay the bills, to become Designer within 6 months, to do Premier full time, etc), and break down the steps to see what you need to do to get there.
The exciting part is, there is ALWAYS a reward.
Brian and I have seen each one of our girls get excited about Premier, and we are very excited FOR you! AND NOW... there will be a prize! :) Brian & I have decided on a challenge for EACH of you! We have thought about what each of you need/want right now for your business, and have created an individual set of challenges for each of you. Brittany & Diana want to work on sponsoring. Krystle & Connie need to work on getting off to a strong start. Not only will you earn a prize if you take on our challenge, but you will also IMPROVE your business! We promise! But.. of course there will be a prize at the end! Each of you will be working toward... drum roll please... the Hood & House program!!!!
If you are unfamiliar with the Hood & House program, YOU NEED IT. It has been an absolute wonder. I just bought it last summer, and my business has become so much more organized & simplified! Hood House keeps track of everyone you meet, all of your expenses, your mileage, all of your sales, and SO SO SO much more. It is a MUST HAVE.... But it is a liiiiittle pricey!
Interested? If you would like to work on focusing your business... AND earning the Hood & House program... your first assignment is to set & share your goals. You can either comment on this post so everyone can see, OR you can email me at my personal email. Your goals can be in any form. You can make a list. Write a sentence or a paragraph, whatever. Do you have a specific income goal? A number of shows you would like to do per month? A number of months until you quit your other job(s)?
Our Goal
Of course, Brian & I have our own goal: I would like to be a Designer by the time we move next summer. This means 36 home shows in the next 12 months, and signing 3 more girls to our downline. That's about 3 shows per month, and 1 new girl every 4 months. I would also like to focus more on building relationships with my customers, hostesses, & Premier family. I don't have an income goal, but all of our Premier income will go toward paying down my student loan debt. We need an additional $20,000 to have them paid by our move.
When I have your goals, I will send you your challenge sheet. And you'll be on your way! To make it fair, the challenge will OFFICIALLY start on May 12!
Good luck!
Brian & Denise
Here's a peek at what your challenges will look like. The first is for Brittany & Diana, the second for Connie & Krystle...
In Premier, there are a million methods to setting your goals. I've seen cute goal boards, people with goal folders and notebooks, there are breakdowns in the new Premier calendar/agenda, a MILLION worksheets & organizers, and more. I personally recommend deciding & writing what you want for your business ($500/month to pay the bills, to become Designer within 6 months, to do Premier full time, etc), and break down the steps to see what you need to do to get there.
The exciting part is, there is ALWAYS a reward.
Brian and I have seen each one of our girls get excited about Premier, and we are very excited FOR you! AND NOW... there will be a prize! :) Brian & I have decided on a challenge for EACH of you! We have thought about what each of you need/want right now for your business, and have created an individual set of challenges for each of you. Brittany & Diana want to work on sponsoring. Krystle & Connie need to work on getting off to a strong start. Not only will you earn a prize if you take on our challenge, but you will also IMPROVE your business! We promise! But.. of course there will be a prize at the end! Each of you will be working toward... drum roll please... the Hood & House program!!!!
If you are unfamiliar with the Hood & House program, YOU NEED IT. It has been an absolute wonder. I just bought it last summer, and my business has become so much more organized & simplified! Hood House keeps track of everyone you meet, all of your expenses, your mileage, all of your sales, and SO SO SO much more. It is a MUST HAVE.... But it is a liiiiittle pricey!
Interested? If you would like to work on focusing your business... AND earning the Hood & House program... your first assignment is to set & share your goals. You can either comment on this post so everyone can see, OR you can email me at my personal email. Your goals can be in any form. You can make a list. Write a sentence or a paragraph, whatever. Do you have a specific income goal? A number of shows you would like to do per month? A number of months until you quit your other job(s)?
Our Goal
Of course, Brian & I have our own goal: I would like to be a Designer by the time we move next summer. This means 36 home shows in the next 12 months, and signing 3 more girls to our downline. That's about 3 shows per month, and 1 new girl every 4 months. I would also like to focus more on building relationships with my customers, hostesses, & Premier family. I don't have an income goal, but all of our Premier income will go toward paying down my student loan debt. We need an additional $20,000 to have them paid by our move.
When I have your goals, I will send you your challenge sheet. And you'll be on your way! To make it fair, the challenge will OFFICIALLY start on May 12!
Good luck!
Brian & Denise
Here's a peek at what your challenges will look like. The first is for Brittany & Diana, the second for Connie & Krystle...
Double quick start has been extended! If you have girls waiting to sign, let them know that NOW is the time!!!
For you new jewelers, you didn't know Joan Horner. She was the most wonderful woman. She was sweet, and encouraging, and she and Andy built Premier, with its amazing philosophy and objectives, starting at the age of 65! To say Joan was LOVED and CHERISHED would be an incredible understatement. You should have her devotional (or will receive it soon in your kit), & I highly recommend reading it.
Anyway, you will see lots of WWR (We Will Remember) in your time with Premier. It's our way of remember Joan. And I am particularly excited about THIS promotion!!
Anyway, you will see lots of WWR (We Will Remember) in your time with Premier. It's our way of remember Joan. And I am particularly excited about THIS promotion!!
So this promotion is LOADED with fun for the jeweler!! :)
1. CALL YOUR HOSTESSES! Book your May home shows! We are going to get $100 in FREE jewelry for EVERY $1000 we sell! I've NEVER seen that. HOW EXCITING!!!! I CANT WAIT to shop! :) I currently have 3 home shows and 2 training shows booked for May. My goal is to book 1 more!
2. DOUBLE when you attend Rally? NO WAY! That almost PAYS for your Rally registration!!
3. A CHARM!!!! For you new girls, Premier used to award some sort of pin for every accomplishment in Premier. Now they have just announced the charm bracelet. Below is the announcement, so you can see for yourself. Since we are having Connie's training show on the 12th, I'll be getting my first charm! :) (And I'll be getting my builder charm shortly after that!) I know that Diana earned her quick start, and so did Brittany. CONNIE & KRYS are on their way to quick start as well! And I know Diana is working on Joan's Rookie Team (that's my personal favorite charm; I think it has a baseball on the other side). I can't wait to see all of your charms!!
If you haven't done so already, call ALL of your girls who have been putting off setting a date! The DOUBLE BONUS promotion is an EASY way to get $200 in FREE jewelry PLUS their 30%. I like to print the postcards and send it with a note to the jeweler:
"I'll call you soon! Have your calendar ready!"

Hey girls! Remember to use your promotions. This one is just too cute! AND it will help your retail! They did something similar to this for their birthday in November and that hostess won my "highest retail" award last year! So. You will want to send this information to your April hostesses and encourage them to use it when doing their presales. Then really push it at your shows. You may also want to call any hostesses that have been waivering or who have recently cancelled and tell them what a great time this is to do a home show. It means free jewelry for them becuase their friends will spend more! :) Remember the $40 item they get for free does not count toward the hostesses free jewelry. Also YOU will pay $5 per free item. This is totally worth it though to get your purchases over $75! :)

Alright girls. Big tip: USE YOUR PROMOTIONS! I've not yet seen a promotion like this: If your hostess gets $550 in sales, she get's this ENTIRE ENSEMBLE (a $162 value) for free! SO. Use it!! Let her know that her show is eligible for this special bonus. Encourage her to work that catalog for pre-sales, and get as many people to her show as possible! Your hostess can keep this ensemble for herself, or give mom a REALLY AWESOME mother's day gift!
When you're "selling the sizzle" on this item, you may want to point out that the two-tone jewelry is REALLY a hot trend right now!
PLUS! If your hostess has $550 in sales, she's going to get $165 in FREE jewelry, PLUS her 4 bonuses! ALL on TOP of Empowered!
Also... $550 may seem really intimidating to some. Remember it's YOUR responsibility to encourage them and help them meet their goal. Hostess coach your tushie off!

Remember if she's nervous about getting started: encourage her to find 6-8 friends or family members who would be willing to help her get started. Then she knows BEFORE she even signs her contract that she's gonna be juuuust fine!
Don't have anybody in mind? Start thinking! ALL of you know SOMEONE who can really use Premier in their lives. You've got a GREAT opportunity here! SHARE IT! :)
And this one's for YOU ladie

If you haven't checked out the contest, make sure you go back and check your email. It is DEFINITELY SOMETHING all of you can earn. The qualification period for the trip is March-September.
All you have to do is:
1. Hold 21 home shows (about 3/month)
2. Read "Dare to Dream, Work to Win ($2 plus shipping on Amazon)
3. Watch 7 online trainings (1/month)
4. Attend all monthly trainings
PLUS, if you share with 20 people (I'm just sharing with everybody at each home show) your trip cost goes down from $250 to $150!! I'll see you girls in FLORIDA! :)
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