

At several trainings I've been to, I've heard the quote, "If it's to be, It's up to me." I like that because I need to hear it. Premier is a business that works only when you work it. If you want more income, YOU are responsible for generating it. If you want a raise, YOU are responsible for giving & getting it. There is nobody to tell you when or where or how often to work. The fact that we make our own schedules, and decide our own vacation time, is totally awesome. But with great privilege comes great responsibility. [You like my cliche quotes?].

In Premier, there are a million methods to setting your goals. I've seen cute goal boards, people with goal folders and notebooks, there are breakdowns in the new Premier calendar/agenda, a MILLION worksheets & organizers, and more. I personally recommend deciding & writing what you want for your business ($500/month to pay the bills, to become Designer within 6 months, to do Premier full time, etc), and break down the steps to see what you need to do to get there.

The exciting part is, there is ALWAYS a reward. 

Brian and I have seen each one of our girls get excited about Premier, and we are very excited FOR you! AND NOW... there will be a prize! :) Brian & I have decided on a challenge for EACH of you! We have thought about what each of you need/want right now for your business, and have created an individual set of challenges for each of you. Brittany & Diana want to work on sponsoring. Krystle & Connie need to work on getting off to a strong start. Not only will you earn a prize if you take on our challenge, but you will also IMPROVE your business! We promise! But.. of course there will be a prize at the end! Each of you will be working toward... drum roll please... the Hood & House program!!!!

If you are unfamiliar with the Hood & House program, YOU NEED IT. It has been an absolute wonder. I just bought it last summer, and my business has become so much more organized & simplified! Hood House keeps track of everyone you meet, all of your expenses, your mileage, all of your sales, and SO SO SO much more. It is a MUST HAVE.... But it is a liiiiittle pricey!

Interested? If you would like to work on focusing your business... AND earning the Hood & House program... your first assignment is to set & share your goals. You can either comment on this post so everyone can see, OR you can email me at my personal email. Your goals can be in any form. You can make a list. Write a sentence or a paragraph, whatever. Do you have a specific income goal? A number of shows you would like to do per month? A number of months until you quit your other job(s)? 

Our Goal
Of course, Brian & I have our own goal: I would like to be a Designer by the time we move next summer. This means 36 home shows in the next 12 months, and signing 3 more girls to our downline. That's about 3 shows per month, and 1 new girl every 4 months. I would also like to focus more on building relationships with my customers, hostesses, & Premier family. I don't have an income goal, but all of our Premier income will go toward paying down my student loan debt. We need an additional $20,000 to have them paid by our move. 

When I have your goals, I will send you your challenge sheet. And you'll be on your way! To make it fair, the challenge will OFFICIALLY start on May 12!

Good luck!
Brian & Denise

Here's a peek at what your challenges will look like. The first is for Brittany & Diana, the second for Connie & Krystle... 


  1. Here is my list of goal:
    Invest time in my business 30 min 3 times a week (phone calls, training videos, preparing for shows etc.)
    $500 xtra income a month
    4 shows a month
    Make Joan's Rookie team. Which means sponsor two new jewelrs and have 12 home shows by august.

    1. WOO HOO! You can totally do that!! I just know this is gonna happen! :)

  2. Our Goals
    Short term
    We will have 6 shows booked within the first 45 days and strive for 9 shows (quick start program). An additional $500 a month in income for bills after investment if paid off. Enough additional income by mid July to pay for ½ of the Rally expenses. Work toward earning the Home Show Club.

    Long term
    Become a builder by Christmas time and be on Joan’s Rookie team!
    We will become designers by our 1st year anniversary day. To have a steady income to work only part time as a Nurse.

  3. Successfully complete my quick start!

    In 2013 do two shows a week and work only 20 hours a week at the bank and have more time with Delilah, and extra income

    sign a new jeweler this year

  4. YAAAY! All of your goals are very achievable! You guys are so inspiring!! :-) We'll work together to make it happen! :-)
