- Thank your hostesses from the past year
- Generate new business
- Restart your business for this year
- Get FREE jewelry for yourself!
- Earn money to pay for your renewal
So. Here's the rundown on renewals: You get to have ONE show a year just for yourself. This renewal (which I call "Anniversary") show can be held the month OF your renewal or up to 5 months after your renewal date. Now, the payment for your renewal is DUE about the same time as your renewal date, so I recommend holding your renewal show as early as possible to pay for that renewal fee. However, if you have the cash set aside to pay for it, then you have the flexibility to wait for the prime time (like an awesome promotion) to have your show!
So. I recommend making this show VERY different form your traditional shows. This should be fun and unique. Below are some ideas. Please feel free to tweak them and make them your own!
- Call it an anniversary. Put on the invitations, "Join me in celebrating my FIRST anniversary as a Premier Jewelry Lady"
- Keep it personal. Let the girls know how much you've loved being in Premier, and what an honor it would be if they'd join you.
- Change everything to make it special and different. Usually, your show should revolve around the hostess, and make her feel special. This time, make it revolve around your special year: the highlights, the great jewelry, and how much you appreciate your hostesses!
- Use tickets and have a drawing. Let them know they'll earn tickets for bringing friends, RSVPing, arriving on time, wearing a solid color shirt, and for every $10 they spend (or however much you want the amount to be), etc etc. The more tickets the better!
- Have your drawing be something PREMIER related. We want to celebrate and highlight out own product. :) Last year, I gave away my #1 selling item from the previous year (Lady Fair) and show many ways to wear it throughout the show. You could also consider giving away a Premier Designs gift card. I just make these out of card stock. Remember to put stipulations on when and how they can use it.
- Celebrate the past year. I told ALL of my past hostesses they would be given a special gift at my show, as my way of thanking them. They ONLY received the gift if they CAME to the show! I created a $10 gift card for each girl. They had to spend it AT my show (I didn't want to deal with profit loss later) and it could not be used toward shipping or tax.
- Have special hostess prizes! I created special award categories to honor my special hostesses. They were things like: most pre-sales, most guests at the show, most free jewelry earned, highest show retail, yummiest food, most creative theme, etc. These girls received a $20 gift card! And each girl could only receive one, so I created the awards to suit that. Not every hostess received an award and again, they HAD to be at the show to receive it! I actually was able to call a couple of girls who were not planning on coming and tell them, "I wanted it to be a surprise, but you are one of my award winners! I'd really love to be able to recognize you at the show. PLEASE COME!" I put the gift cards in little bags with tissue paper (all from the dollar tree) and had them as a centerpiece at the show.
- Have a special game. I did the boxes game. The top of the paper says, "Find Someone Who..." and then there are boxes that each have something different inside. I would make the number of boxes comparable to the number of guests you expect. Some ideas are:
- has never been to a Premier Designs Jewelry Show
- has been to more than one Premier Designs Jewelry Show
- earned more than $200 in free jewelry at her Show
- owns the Lady Fair necklace
- plans to book a show today
- love Premier Jewelry
- has hosted a show
- Consider having a theme. Since my anniversary is right before Valentines day. I like a romantic/anniversary theme. Everything was pink & red with hearts and I did chocolate fondue and sparkling grape juice.
- Invite everyone you know! Anyone who has been to any past show or placed pre-orders, your friends, neighbors, church people, kids play date moms, in-laws, people you meet in the grocery line, people who intimidate you... everyone! The year I got married I even invited one of my photographers and SHE CAME and BOOKED a show! :)
- Have a special sale! Consider having 20% off for all past hostesses OR the entire spring line for 10% off OR 30% off for anybody who books a show, OR 50% off everything after you spend $100, etc. I put my favorite ensemble from the new line on sale. If you buy the necklace, earrings, and bracelet, you get 30% off the entire ensemble. Don't do ALL of these! Think about which one works best for you. Don't cut completely into your profit! And you may want to have a rule about the gift cards... Don't end up paying for their jewelry! :)
- I changed my survey slightly to make them "anniversary-y." I printed them in pink and changed all of the wording to highlight this special event. [Email me for a copy].
- Change up the way you show jewelry. Consider showing JUST the new line as a special coming out party, show JUST the top selling pieces from the year before, or ask all of your hostesses their favorite pieces and show them. Find out in advance and turn it into a game by showing the piece and asking the girls to guess who's favorite it is. Consider asking the hostess to model the piece or tell what outfit she loves to wear it with.
- Be a good hostess! Remember, it is the hostess' job to invite in advance, follow up, and get pre-sales. YOU know how to be a good hostess! Don't use Facebook - create real invites! Follow up with phone calls, not just text messages. Carry your catalog and collect some pre-orders! Work toward those bonuses!
OK! So these are just a few ideas! Please comment if you have more to share with the group! I'd love to see what you come up with!