
Training when there's no training!

I know training in WI was cancelled today. And even when it's not, it's a super long drive. And then there's work schedules, kid schedules, and all the other events of our crazy lives. Going to training is VERY important. It should be a TOP priority if you want your business to be successful. But in those (hopefully very rare) moments when going to training is just not happening, we don't want to fall off the awesome wagon! So, here are a few ways you can train from home that you may or may not have thought/known about:

  1. Go back to your jeweler handbook. Lots of ideas we see at trainings actually came from the jeweler handbooks! There are a ton of ways to change up your show games, great outlines for hostess coaching, and anything else you could possibly need! 
  2. Re-watch the DVD and listen to the Audio CD. I kept the audio CD in my car forever. It has great tips for your business. 
  3. Read old notes. If you haven't been to a lot of trainings, you won't have gathered too many notes so far. But think of all the times you've sat in a training or Rally and been so impressed with the ideas or so inspired by the encouragement! Go back to your notes and review some of those great teachings.
  4. Visit the Premier Designs website. There are a couple of different places here you can get great training: Jeweler Resources > Training > Online Training. Don't forget to hit the link at the bottom for "previously released training." OR! Visit Rally/Events & watch videos from previous rallies. 
  5. Visit some of the Premier Leadership Websites. They have TONS of great ideas, trainings, and handouts.
  6. Visit the Terrell Website & get some info on the Jammies & Jewelry calls! These are phone training on Sunday nights! They're great and you can even call later and listen to the recordings. 
  7. Get with friends and share ideas, get help with challenges, and play with jewelry combinations!
  8. This blog. Ya. This one... The one that I spend HOURS trying to log good ideas and encouragement for you! 
  9. Google! Go on YouTube and search "Premier" or "Direct Sales". You'll have to filter through the good stuff, but you'll find some great ideas too! You may also just google "Direct Sales." You'll get some good articles and websites on tips!
Ok! Let me know what you find! Or if you have any other ideas. :) Hope this helps!

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