
Change it Up Challenge

Ok. So I mentioned to you guys after Rally that I want to challenge myself (and you were invited!) to wear DIFFERENT jewelry every day and post it to the social media! Well, I've been posting when I can... There have been a couple days where I haven't even left the house... LoL. BUT! So far, I LOVE IT! Here's why:

1. It's fun. It's getting me more excited about my jewelry because I have an excuse to talk about it and show it off even more than I usually do.
2. It's holding me accountable! Instead of wearing the same jewelry every day, I've TRIED to wear different pieces and switch it up!
3. It's FREE, no-pressure advertisement! I get to show off my cutie jewelry everyday, and all of my Facebook/Instagram/Twitter friends can see and enjoy. So far I've had several "Likes," some additional compliments at school, AND one of Brian's aunts plans to buy the bracelet I was wearing today! She wants the bracelet - which gave me an excuse to send her the whole catalog, the Style Guide, an Opportunity Brochure, and a personalize note - also catching up on family stuff.

I highly recommend giving it a try. You've got nothing to lose! :)

I've been using the app PhotoGrid to put all of my photos for one day together, then using Instagram to post to Facebook and Twitter.

Day 1: I pulled out this outfit the night before (and was really proud of myself for being so prepared) but of course didn't get up early enough to actually primp (hence the up-do). BUT I still felt cute. :)

Day 2: My second attempt at "Arm Party." I'm pretty sure this was in the video too. 

Day 2: As soon as I was done getting ready, my new jewelry arrived and I had to change it out. But I already have a girl who is planning to get this necklace at her upcoming show. #freeadvertisement

Day 3: I had to wear my coach polo to school, so I didn't wear a necklace, although I know I could have, however: 1. I was running late, and 2. I feel a little "overdone" when I'm trying to bling up at a basketball game. I will have you know, however, that I had a girl add that ring to her wish list this day.

Day 4: Today I sold this bracelet! Gotta love Facebook! :)

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