
Returning Catalogs

In my last blog, I mentioned in my budget that I wanted to try and get my catalogs back! I'm going to try adding these labels to the catalogs, and mentioning to my hostess to return the catalogs once they finish. I think I'll send an email reminder about the pre-orders, and in the bottom put a little note that says the same things as these labels. Click here to access the labels.


Where is YOUR profit going??

So, when I get new jewelers, I have always tried to emphasize the importance of paying of your initial investment before you start buying or paying for anything else.  Unfortunately, I learned the hard way how easy it is to fall into the trap of zebra print goodness. When I first signed, I went “gotta have” crazy insisting that I “neeeeded” this or that to make my business work. Well, here are the cold hard facts: you DON’T need cutie accents on your table, or hostess gifts from Premier Incentives, or even lots of jewelry! You came into Premier to meet a financial NEED in your home. So do you see that happening? Or do you work for a few months and wonder where in the WORLD all your money went? Well, I do. On a regular basis I think, “I did so well last month! WHERE is that money?” I’ll tell ya where it is: as soon as I get money, I’m excited to buy cuter gifts for my hostesses, or that one piece of jewelry I’ve been wanting for months. I convince myself that so many of my customers have wanted to see “this” necklace, or the girls wouldn’t be able to resist booking shows if I had “that” gift. Well. No more.

Two things have helped me to come to this mini-lesson today. One is Hood & House. Last year I bought the Hood & House program, and I have worked really hard since then to keep up with entering my data. Of course I enter all of my home shows there. But I also enter all of my commission checks, mileage, and receipts/expenses. This has helped me truly see where all my money goes! I am embarrassed to say how much I spend on returns/exchanges. Simply because I don’t always enforce asking my customers for that $5+tax…

The other thing that has helped me is the business planning Brian and I are currently doing. We have been listening to a book on tape called The Millionaire Next Door. The book is about successful millionaires and how they came to be there. LoL... that sounds funny. We are not on a quest to be millionaires. BUT we do want to know how the minds of successful business people work, and what we can do to help our new business be successful. One of the things that the author reports is that financially independent (wealthy/affluent) people know where EVERY PENNY goes. They don’t just spend haphazardly! They have detailed budgets that plan where their money will go, and holds them accountable for getting it there.

So! Ladies, I present to you: my 2012-2013 fiscal year budget!

Today I sat down and set some goals, and looked at the numbers. I set a goal of 36 home shows this year, averaging $500 each. Then, I listed all of the expenses I could think of anticipating for the next year. I set a goal to only spend 30% of my home show income on business expenses. The other 70% (plus all of my commission) will go toward our current goal of paying off our last student loan. It was harder than I thought to get my expenses down to 30%. There are so many things I love to spend money on: Jewelry, Rally, mailings! But no more! According to my initial budget, I would spend 39% of my income on business expenses. So I needed to cut 9% to reach my goal. Instead of rewriting, you can see I simply crossed things out, and made notes about the adjustment. I thought of ways to become more cost effective in my communication with hostesses, in my quest for more jewelry, and in other every day responsibilities.

Now it’s your turn! Of course yours doesn’t have to be as detailed as mine, but I encourage you to look at your spending. Before you buy some stamps and think, “oh, it’s only $6 for post card stamps,” take a look at the big picture! What percent of your income is that $6? And is there a better way to relay the same message?

Jewelry Bingo

If you're like me, you're always looking for ways to change up your show just a little bit. I recommend having some SIMPLE adjustments to your show to change it up when you've seen the same girls for a while. It's really important that you don't spend HOURS revamping, because that's not making the most of your time! I have several variations I've used, and NONE of them took additional preparation in advance. (Usually, I am thinking of a way to change things up as I drive to the show. I don't recommend this either!)

This is an idea that Krystle sent me and I love it! It's Jewelry Bingo!

This is just another cute way to stay on track in your show, and to keep your girls actively involved & entertained! Consider giving a charm bracelet, or free shipping to the girl who Bingo!s first! :) Now, of course you might not have the pieces listed on this board. Go to this site and click on "Create New Bingo Cards with Super Bingo Cards Maker" - here you will just type in your list and follow the instructions! You will only have to type in the list once and the site will automatically jumble the words for you and make all of your cards different! :) Let me know next time you try this at your shows!


My Sassy "Always Prepared" Box

Ok, so I've been in Premier two and a half years now, and this is the first time I've tried this. I've heard it taught about several times, so obviously it works for somebody! And I've had several moments where I'd wished I'd had one. So here goes: My Sassy Always Prepared Box. 
The idea is you have a box that you keep in your car in case of any circumstance where you may need something Premier-related. Maybe you meet someone at the mall who you convince needs some free jewelry to go with that new wardrobe! Maybe you're having coffee with a friend and she starts asking a million questions about your business. Well, voila!
My Sassy Always Prepared Box contains: hostess packets with catalogs in them, extra catalogs, opportunity brochures, blank note cards, mini-catalogs, and premier charm bracelets (my gift to those who do an OP with me). 

I can't wait to see YOURS! :) 

PS. If you're DYING to have this box, I found it at TJ Maxx for $9!



Wow! Congrats to Krystle for being a TOP in the nation on her training show!! We are so excited and proud for you to appear in the UPDATE!! We love you! Keep up the great work! :)


July Promotion

Hey girls!

Prepare yourselves! Fall is our BUSIEST season!! Everyone wants to prep for Christmas, plus it's super exciting that the new line is out! NOW is the time to get the ball rolling. Use this July special postcards to get in touch with ALL of your prospective hostesses. DON'T BE SHY. Remember, if they've said no before, usually that means "not right now." Premier provides great post cards, so KEEP IT SIMPLE. Don't spend hours creating your own. Print these on card stock, write a personal note on the back, and plop them in the mail! Make sure you get postcard stamps, they're cheaper than regular postage. Send one to EVERYONE. Think of people who:

have said "maybe later"
have cancelled their show
have been excited about the new line
hosted a show more than 4-6 months ago
still have never been to a show
have complimented your jewelry recently
have told you they need more money
have mentioned shopping for Christmas
like to shop
need some girl time
like free stuff

You DO know somebody on this list!! To get your fall booked, you're going to need to start somewhere. YOU CAN DO IT! :) Call me if you need ideas. 


Thank You Cards without the Postage!!

Hey girls,

So forever I've been wishing I were better at thank you cards for my guests. I almost ALWAYS send one to my hostess. You should ALWAYS ALWAYS do that. But sending to all of the guests gets daunting! Well welcome to 2012: the age of technology! I know email is not nearly as personal, but this is just too good to pass up. This morning I got the email with the tracking number from my latest show, and I decided on THIS fun project!

Punchbowl is an online ecard website. They have LOTS of really cute options and tons of ways to personalize it. Some of it is paid members only, but there are PLENTY of free options (I use free only). SO today I sent an ecard to my hostess thanking her, and then one to each of her guests! Some of them got a general note (I resend the same card, just changing the name), and others got something specific. One of the girls plans to host a show in September, so I mentioned something about that in hers. One of the girls wants to come to another show, so I mentioned a friend's upcoming show.

For the guests, I also included how much free jewelry the hostess got. :) You can send these in bulk, but I chose to send one at a time for the sake of being able to personalize them a little bit more.

Here's what the steps look like:

First you choose your design. There are a TON of cute options!

Then you add to the inside. You can write on both sides
and can change the font, size, color, alignment, etc.

Then you can change the inside of your envelope, the rubber stamper
and even the postage!!!

Here's an example to a guest (I didn't realize until AFTER I sent this first one that there are typos! No worries, I changed it):

The front

The inside. I love the font options!

The envelope. I changed the inside to match the stamp :)

This is SO much faster and CHEAPER than sending cards in the mail, yet it gives your customers another way to remember you. This would be a great option for 60-day check ups, if you're having a hard time with that, or even reminder emails for different aspects of hostess coaching!


Typical Me..

I love this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt. From what I know, she was a pretty awesome lady. I have a biography on her... but I haven't read it. Typical me.

I'm really good at a lot of things. Procrastination is probably close to the top of the list. I am REALLY good at making excuses for myself. "I'm too busy" or "I don't know where to start" or "I don't have anyone to call." I have probably come up with more excuses, at some point or another, than all of you combined. I'm good at excuses.

But you know what, I'm also good at doing. When I'm in the mood, I can rock Premier. Premier has been really great for me in May. It was my highest sales month I've had in a WHILE, plus Krystle and Connie joined us! But what I've realized is: that didn't just happen. Suddenly, I was in the mood to ask for shows, and had a little extra courage. I was motivated to do some extra advertisement, and make some extra phone calls. I did better about keeping up with my hostesses... and then I had less cancellations! Who would have thought!? :) And THEN. Vacation happened. I didn't do what I was supposed to, and you know what: I had TWO cancellations in June. I have had a hard time wanting to work instead of do other things.

Insert Krystle! If you guys don't know or haven't talked to Krystle lately. SHE IS AWESOME! She is just energetic and positive and REALLY hard working. And I am so proud of her! Tonight, she held a DOUBLE mystery hostess show (drawing TWO hostesses!), just so that she can walk on stage for her quick start at RALLY!!! GO KRYS! :)

I've been talking to her a lot, and just convicted of my own lackadaisical demeanor. And then I saw this quote:
BAM! That's all I needed. I have two choices! So... I got to work tonight. And I felt really good about it. And then I realized I haven't posted for you all in a while! (Procrastination at its best!). So I thought I would just come on here and say HEY! I'm here for you if you need me. If you need some motivation, or ideas to get started, or just wanna tell me how YOU have been rocking it, let me know! You can comment here or email me!

I love you girls SO much! Seriously, I am SO proud of my downline. Vickie and I are constantly talking about each one of you (seriously - that's not just faux-motivation talking) and how awesome you all are! PLEASE let me know if you need anything!

Your Premier Momma :)