So I see a common trend - lots of people are struggling for shows right now. Well I wanted to encourage all of you with a few ideas you can use with resources you already have on hand! So. Here's what you're going to do.
1. MAKE A LIST. Check your phone, Facebook, your church directory, the people at work, your neighbors, your play date parents, past customers and hostesses, hostesses who have recently cancelled or rain checked... ANYONE you can think of!
2. PREPARE & STUDY YOUR SCRIPT. Vickie recently sent out some great verbiage. It's attached in the email I sent you, copied below, and you can also access it here. I plan on editing it to fit my personal situation and using it! Be sincere: tell people WHY you're in Premier. Are you paying off debt, supporting your family, trying to stay at home, just having fun? All of the above?
3. SET ASIDE TIME TO CALL, CALL, CALL! I know this can be intimidating. If you have to, promise yourself a reward. OR, put your goals/reasons for being in Premier right in front of you. Think about how much you would actually make if you did a couple shows per month. What would you spend that $400 on? Remind yourself: "This is so I can ___." Me personally? This is so I can pay off the rest of my student loans (I need another $25,000 this year) and be a stay at home mommy next year!!!
No matter what, make sure you mention the specials AND the new jewelry!
If you do those things, WITH CONFIDENCE, I promise you will come away with bookings. And you will be SO GRATEFUL you did!
Now, those are the basics. But here are some more INCREDIBLE tools that Premier has provided. Here are just a few ideas for using them (I recommend choosing 1 or 2 ideas, not all of them! :). Let me know if you have more!
- Notice you can type right in them before you print them. Print them on card stock and use post card stamps - they're cheaper!
- Print a few to keep in your purse. Use them as a tool when someone compliments your jewelry.
- Check out your hostess who have told you verbally they would have a show, or who have cancelled and said they'd reschedule. Write on the back, "____, I know you've been looking forward to your Premier show. When I saw this promotion I thought of you! I am SO excited Premier has such a great deal for hostesses this time of year. You are going to LOVE the new Christmas line and be sooo grateful that your show falls during gift season! Check out your calendar and I'll call you soon to schedule your date!"
- Put a post card in a picture frame at your upcoming shows.
- Print some and put them in your customer folders during shows.
- Post it (or the flyer) to your Facebook. I've already tagged you in mine.
- Blast it on your Twitter.
- Put a copy of a post card (or flyer) in your break room at work. Make sure you contact info is on it!
- Take a Christmas catalog & postcard with you into the bank, post office, etc.
The Invitations:
- Notice you can type directly on these too. And you only have to type it all once!
- Offer to send invites FOR you hostess. Tell her you'd LOVE to send 20 invites for her - she just needs to give you her guests contact info. (If YOU send them out, it's more likely to get done!)
- Host an open house or mystery hostess show for your neighbors & use these as invites.
- Take a picture and send it to your hostess to use in email & Facebook. Remind them, of course, that it's important they make more personal contact as well!
Ok. That's all the ideas I have for now. If you have more, COMMENT BACK! Share the wealth! :)
Now remember: No matter what neat things Premier puts out, none of it will work if you don't GET ON THE PHONE! So make that list & let me know how it goes!! :)
Booking Boot Camp Verbiage:
Re-Starting Your Premier Business
Hi ___________ this is Kim, do you have a second? I won’t keep you but a minute, but I am
actually calling to ask you for a HUUUGE favor. (pause) I am re-starting my
jewelry business (tell why) example… (Ray and I have experienced a minor
financial setback and I really need to use my business to help out) Here is my
favor… I need 2 friends who could let me
come over and set my jewelry out on their kitchen table and invite a few friends over to play in
jewelry. It doesn’t have to be a big
deal, just you and a few friends. I can
give you some jewelry just for helping me out…what do you think? ( If she says
yes, continue with this)… Oh Wow, thank you so much __________!! I really appreciate it. Ok, the first 2 dates on my calendar I really
need to fill are… Thursday August 4th and Friday August 5th. Could you look at those dates and see if
either would work for you? Friday,
great!! That is a great night to have some friends over! (get the date penciled in…if she says she
needs to “look” first and she doesn’t have her calendar in front of her, you
ask if you can just pencil her in on one of those dates and when she gets a
chance to look at her calendar she can call you back and if that doesn’t work
you will glad ly work with her to find another one because you really
appreciate her helping you)
If she say’s “no”. You
say this… “ Oh __________ that’s ok! I
totally understand! There is another way you might be able to help me
out though. I am hosting a Mystery
Hostess Show on ________________ and I would love it if you could maybe come
and bring someone with you? It
would bring new contacts for my business and it would also increase your
chances on winning the free jewelry because I give the most tickets for
bringing guests and booking a show.
Could I send you an invitation?
What do you think? (if she says yes, get a good email address for her
and let her know she will be getting that in the next couple of days…make sure
you follow up with reminder calls…just
like a good hostess!) If she says
she can’t make that night you go to plan c…
“Oh I’m sad you can’t make it.(pause) Listen, do you think I could just put a
catalog in the mail to you? I love
referrals and if you just set it out and someone either wanted to order or get
free jewelry I would give you 50% off any item anytime you refer someone to
me. Is that something you could
do?” “Great, I will get that out in a
few days and again ______________ I really appreciate you helping me!” (confirm
her address)
If NO ONE ANSWERS--- Leave THIS message!!! “Hi ______ it’s Kim Adams (do NOT say with
Premier Designs!!) I was calling to ask you for a quick favor. When you get a chance could you call me back
at 996-0227? It’s not a big deal…just a
quick favor. Thanks!”
If you say “with Premier Designs” she KNOWS your favor! Curiosity killed the cat, you will get more
return calls than EVER before! Don’t say
“HUGE” favor because it may mislead them to think you are in some kind of
trouble and will be frustrated when you are just asking for a show. Their curiosity will get the best of them and
when they call you back use the above script as normal.
Plan A- You book the show and set the date----seize the moment…you may not
catch them again
Plan B- You are personally inviting them to your Mystery Hostess show and
they are more likely to come because they feel bad they didn’t book a show,
they can bring a friend and will know someone, and they can win the free
jewelry! If they come to the show you
have a second chance to book them when they see the jewelry and if they bring a
friend you have a new contact who may want to book. If 5 people say No to a show but agree to
come and bring a friend to your Mystery hostess, you will have 10 people
attend! Be ready to book more
shows! It’s NOT about the retail!!!!!
Plan C- If you send them a catalog,,, they may see that they really like
the jewelry and change their mind about booking, or they may get up a catalog
show or really refer someone. Either way
you are giving them options to help you out and it is not awkward when they
won’t book a show and you just say thank you and hang up.